Next Level Girls Volleyball - Advanced Program - Modesto
We are excited to introduce our 1st season of Next Level Girls Advanced Volleyball program this upcoming spring!
General Registration is now open for all participants!
The Next Level Girls Advanced Volleyball Program has been developed to provide more development opportunities for aspiring volleyball players. The program will have more direct focus on competitive play while also allowing for on-court technical instruction. While our traditional Next Level Volleyball program provides an opportunity to learn the basic skills and functions of competitive volleyball - the Advanced Program takes it up a notch! Our program is aimed at the youth athlete who wants to push their development level further along while building towards game competence!
The program will be limited to 4 teams per group session (5th/6th Grade Group & 7th/8th Grade Group) with a maximum of 12 participants per team. To maximize the competitiveness of the program, effort to create equitable rostering will be made so that teams are comprised of as close to a 50/50 split between younger grade and older grade players. The objective at the roster level will be to maintain a maximum of 6 participants from the same grade level and school per team. Naturally, there will be some fluidity with this rostering approach.
On a weekly basis, each team will play three 30-minute timed matches (all 4 teams play each and every week). Matches will be split into two 15-minute sets. Players will rotate during the sets within each match. Student-Coaches will set lineups and coach from the sidelines but will not be directly involved in the game play unless where needed to continue game-facilitation. Scores will be kept for all competitions. The 5th/6th grade division will play with a volley lite ball, while the the 7th/8th grade division will play with an official leather volleyball. All teams will compete in the semi-finals during the final week of the season, with the chance to bring home the 2025 Next Level Volleyball Championship.
For more information and a general overview of the Next Level Advanced Volleyball program in Modesto, please review the information below prior to registration!
League Operations
- Season Operations: The Next Level Girls Advanced Volleyball program in Modesto will run with 6 program dates over the program schedule.
- Game Dates: All games/activity are on Saturdays. Training/games are on the same day - parents need only allocate up to a 2-hour window of availability for their child's involvement.
- Team Roster Size: Teams are 12 players maximum, limited exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
- Playing Time: We push for equal playing time for all players through constant team rotations via both skill development and game activity. Participants will rotate during game matches and otherwise.
- Season Fees: $295.00 - Fees are inclusive of the participant's custom volleyball jersey and other equipment/offerings. Shorts and kneepads are not included as part of the fee.
- Optional Player Packs: During the registration process, participants have the option to purchase additional Player Packs upon check out. For the 2025 Next Level Volleyball season, 4 options are available for purchase (see below). Player Pack costs will be added to the base league registration fees at check out. All Player Pack merchandise will be shipped with your participant's Next Level Volleyball uniform - unless otherwise communicated from our team. Sizing verification will be sent via email as your season uniform heads into production!
- Knee Pads Pack - $25.00: Nike Essential Volleyball Knee Pads.
- Spandex Pack - $30.00: Nike Essential Volleyball Spandex Shorts.
- Volleyball Shirt Pack - $40.00: Nike Long Sleeve Dri Fit (Gray) featuring the Next Level "Dominate the Net" Logo (Gold) on the front, participant's last name on the back.
- Volleyball Hoodie Pack - $60.00: Nike Fleece Hoodie (Black) featuring the Next Level "Domiante the Net" Logo (Gold) on the front, participant's last name on the back.
Program Times
- 5th/6th Grade: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- 7th/8th Grade: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Schedule may be subject to change.
Program Dates
Week 1 | Saturday, March 8th |
Week 2 | Saturday, March 15th |
Week 3 | Saturday, March 22nd |
Week 4 | Saturday, March 29th |
Week 5 | Saturday, April 5th |
Week 6 | Saturday, April 12th |
General Program Operation and Additional Information
Review the general program operations, program information and philosophies of the Next Level Volleyball program - CLICK HERE TO REVIEW
Site Director: Coach Katie Kelly
Coach Katie has had a passion for volleyball as far back as she can remember, asking her aunt to teach her the sport at just five years old. Many backyard after-school lessons for Katie turned into rigorous club competition ages 12 to 17. She also competed, in tandem with club, at both the middle school and high school levels, eventually going on to become a collegiate athlete.
Katie has used her experience as a player to assistant coach high school, and coach club players of all ages. To further her knowledge of the sport from a different perspective, she’s also officiated for Junior Olympic qualifier tournaments as a USA Volleyball referee. Born in Southern California, growing up in Reno, Nevada, attending high school in the Bay Area—her background has given her a broad perspective on the sport, and just on life itself. Coming from a Hawaiian family and culture, her sense of family, community, and intuition naturally reflects in her coaching style.
Coach Katie looks forward to making the volleyball program an integral part of Modesto Christian’s athletics. She will strive to make the sport a building block in students’ lives; one that not only builds them up as an athlete, but also encompasses the necessary tools to live life.