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Dec, 2020

2021 Next Level Flag Football - Season Update

As we’ve all heard in the news, the last several weeks have been met with increased COVID-19 infections throughout our community. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has further postponed guidance for youth sports activity throughout our state. On Tuesday of last week, the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) issued a further delay of all High School sports activities due to the lack of guidance as well as the growing infection rates throughout California. Additionally, as outlined by Governor Newsom last Thursday, further community-based restrictions appear inevitable to curb the spread of COVID-19 through the holiday season and into the new year.

CIF Announcement - December 1st Statement

Due to these circumstances, Next Level Sports has made the decision to delay the launch of our 2021 Next Level Flag Football season.

As an organization, we are in the unfortunate situation of relying on the CDPH, Governor Newsom and Dr. Mark Ghaly (Secretary of Health and Human Services) to provide guidance and oversight towards all youth sports activities throughout the State of California.

We do not take this decision lightly. In fact, we are incredibly saddened by the state of affairs which have led us to this point so late in the calendar year.

We remain highly informed from our partners, those in leadership positions at CIF, our partner locations and similar. However, we are all at the mercy of decisions made at the State and CDPH level to ensure our communities remain safe.

Our Path/Timeline Forward:

Currently, we do not have all the answers to the equation and may not for several weeks. As a team, Next Level Sports will work to formalize our path forward through the remainder of December and the first part of January. 

We are evaluating the following possibilities to move forward in the safest and most efficient way possible:

  • Late Winter/Early Spring Season - Possible season start period based on the return of High School sports (requiring CDPH guidance for youth sports) from late January to mid February,
  •  Spring/Summer Season - Next window for operation with coordination at partner locations,
  •  Fall Season - Final available window for operations for 2021 calendar year. 

As a final consideration - and one in which we have exhaustively discussed - we will finalize a contingency plan for the conversion of the entire 2021 Next Level Flag Football season towards the 2022 Next Level Flag Football season to be kicked-off in January of 2022. We understand this may impact our oldest groups of participants most directly should we need to implement this plan.

Under all circumstances outlined above, we will ensure to keep all families updated and informed of impactful changes and inputs provided by those who govern our respective paths forward. 

We thank you for your patience and your continued support of our program. There is a long way to go before we find calmer waters - we look forward to those days and we look forward to having the opportunity to see your participants on a field with us again when it is safe to do so!


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Next Level Sports

 400 S El Camino Real Suite 1150
San Mateo, California 94402